New fbi director

The FBI has had several directors since its inception in 1908. Here are some of the most recent ones:

  1. Christopher Wray (2017-present): Wray was confirmed as the 8th Director of the FBI on June 7, 2017. He has been serving in this position since August 2, 2017.
  2. James Comey (2013-2017): Comey was confirmed as the 7th Director of the FBI on September 4, 2013. He served in this position until May 9, 2017, when he was fired by President Donald Trump.
  3. Robert Mueller (2001-2013): Mueller was confirmed as the 6th Director of the FBI on September 2, 2001. He served in this position until September 4, 2013, when he retired.
  4. Louis Freeh (1993-2001): Freeh was confirmed as the 5th Director of the FBI on September 12, 1993. He served in this position until June 21, 2001, when he retired.
  5. William Sessions (1987-1993): Sessions was confirmed as the 4th Director of the FBI on March 20, 1987. He served in this position until July 19, 1993, when he resigned.
  6. William Webster (1987): Webster was acting Director of the FBI from January 2, 1987, to March 19, 1987, while Sessions was awaiting confirmation.
  7. William H. Webster (1978-1987): Webster was confirmed as the 3rd Director of the FBI on March 1, 1978. He served in this position until January 2, 1987, when he became the Director of Central Intelligence.
  8. Clarence M. Kelley (1978): Kelley was acting Director of the FBI from January 2, 1978, to March 1, 1978, while Webster was awaiting confirmation.
  9. L. Patrick Gray (1972-1974): Gray was acting Director of the FBI from May 3, 1972, to April 27, 1973, and then served as the 2nd Director of the FBI until May 17, 1974, when he resigned.
  10. J. Edgar Hoover (1924-1972): Hoover was the 1st Director of the FBI, serving from August 10, 1924, until his death on May 2, 1972.

Note: There have been other acting directors of the FBI who have served in an interim capacity, but the above list only includes those who have been confirmed by the Senate or have served as the permanent Director of the FBI.