Asup strike update today 2022 vanguard

I'm happy to help you with the latest updates on the ASUP strike!

As of today, February 2022, the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has been on strike since November 2020. The strike was called off in December 2020, but the union resumed the strike in February 2022 due to unresolved issues.

Here are some recent updates on the ASUP strike:

  1. Resumption of Strike: ASUP resumed its indefinite strike on February 14, 2022, after the union's National Executive Council (NEC) meeting. The strike was called off in December 2020, but the union decided to resume the strike due to the government's failure to address their demands.
  2. Demands: ASUP is demanding the following:
    • Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances
    • Implementation of the National Minimum Wage Act
    • Payment of Earned Academic Allowances (EAA)
    • Revitalization of the polytechnic education sector
    • Improved working conditions for polytechnic staff
  3. Government Response: The Federal Government has been engaging with ASUP to resolve the issues, but the union claims that the government has not made significant progress in addressing their demands.
  4. Impact on Students: The strike has affected the academic activities of polytechnics across the country, with students unable to attend classes or participate in examinations.

Please note that the situation is subject to change, and I'll do my best to keep you updated on any new developments.

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