New employee induction template

Here is a comprehensive new employee induction template that you can customize to fit your company's needs:

New Employee Induction Template

Employee Information

Company Overview

Job Description and Responsibilities

Company Policies and Procedures

IT and Technology

HR and Benefits

Team and Colleagues

Training and Development

Emergency Procedures

Additional Information

Next Steps

Employee Signature

I have read and understood the information provided in this induction package. I am committed to following company policies and procedures, and I am excited to start my new role.

Signature: __ Date: __

Supervisor Signature

I have reviewed the induction package with the new employee and am satisfied that they have a good understanding of their role and responsibilities.

Signature: __ Date: __

This template covers a range of topics to help new employees get started quickly and effectively. You can customize it to fit your company's specific needs and culture. Remember to review and update the template regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.