New church members

Congratulations on welcoming new church members! Here are some ideas to help you make them feel welcome and included:

  1. Assign a mentor: Pair each new member with an existing member who can show them around, introduce them to others, and answer any questions they may have.
  2. Host a welcome event: Organize a potluck dinner, game night, or other social event specifically for new members. This can help them get to know others in a relaxed setting.
  3. Provide a welcome packet: Create a packet with information about your church, including its history, mission, and values. You can also include a schedule of upcoming events and a list of key contacts.
  4. Offer a tour: Give new members a tour of your church, including its facilities, worship spaces, and other areas. This can help them feel more comfortable and familiar with their new surroundings.
  5. Encourage participation: Invite new members to participate in various activities, such as small groups, volunteer opportunities, or committees. This can help them feel more connected and engaged.
  6. Follow up regularly: Check in with new members regularly to see how they're doing, answer any questions they may have, and offer support.
  7. Create a new member class: Develop a class or series of classes specifically for new members, covering topics such as church history, doctrine, and expectations.
  8. Provide opportunities for service: Encourage new members to get involved in serving others through outreach programs, mission trips, or other service opportunities.
  9. Celebrate milestones: Celebrate new members' milestones, such as their first Sunday attendance or completion of a new member class.
  10. Make it personal: Take the time to get to know each new member as an individual, learning about their interests, hobbies, and goals. This can help you tailor your welcome efforts to their specific needs and interests.

Some additional ideas to consider:

Remember, the key is to be intentional and personal in your welcome efforts. By showing new members that you care and are invested in their growth and involvement, you can help them feel more connected and committed to your church community.