Deathstroke new 52

Deathstroke, the infamous mercenary and assassin, has a rich history in the DC Comics universe. Here's a brief overview of his New 52 iteration:

New 52 Origin: In the New 52 reboot, Deathstroke's origin is reimagined. He is introduced as Slade Wilson, a former Army Ranger who was part of a secret government experiment to create super-soldiers. The experiment, codenamed "Project: Armageddon," involved injecting subjects with a serum that enhanced their physical abilities, but also made them more aggressive and prone to violence.

The Birth of Deathstroke: Slade Wilson's transformation into Deathstroke occurs when he is injected with a second serum, designed to further enhance his abilities. However, this serum has an unintended side effect: it erases his memories and personality, leaving him with a blank slate. He becomes a mercenary and assassin, taking on the codename Deathstroke.

Personality and Abilities: In the New 52, Deathstroke is portrayed as a ruthless and cunning mercenary with enhanced physical abilities, including superhuman strength, speed, agility, and endurance. He is also a skilled fighter and strategist. His lack of memories and personality makes him a blank slate, allowing him to adapt to any situation and take on various personas.

Storylines: Deathstroke has appeared in several New 52 storylines, including:

  1. Deathstroke and the Wildstorm Universe: Deathstroke is introduced as a member of the Wildstorm Universe, a separate continuity from the DC Universe. He becomes a key player in the Wildstorm Universe, teaming up with other characters like Grifter and Voodoo.
  2. Deathstroke: The New 52: This series, written by Kyle Higgins, follows Deathstroke as he takes on various missions and battles against other villains.
  3. Deathstroke and the Teen Titans: Deathstroke becomes a recurring villain in the Teen Titans series, often clashing with the team and their leader, Red Robin.

Notable Storylines:

  1. "The Fall of the Teen Titans": Deathstroke leads a team of villains, including the H.I.V.E. Academy, in a brutal attack on the Teen Titans.
  2. "The Rise of the Viltrumites": Deathstroke becomes embroiled in the conflict between the Viltrumites, a powerful alien species, and the humans of Earth.

Impact on the DC Universe: Deathstroke's New 52 iteration has had a significant impact on the DC Universe, particularly in the Teen Titans and Wildstorm Universes. He has become a formidable villain and a complex character, with a rich backstory and motivations.

Overall, Deathstroke's New 52 iteration offers a fresh take on the character, exploring his origins and personality in new and exciting ways.