New cathedral linz

The New Cathedral of Linz (Neue Linzer Dom) is a beautiful Catholic cathedral located in the heart of Linz, Austria. Here are some interesting facts about this stunning building:

History: The construction of the New Cathedral began in 1957 and was completed in 1958. It was designed by Austrian architect Otto Gombert and built by the Linz-based construction company, Bauunion.

Architecture: The cathedral is a modern, concrete building with a striking design. It features a large, flat roof and a tall, slender tower that rises to a height of 64 meters (210 feet). The exterior walls are made of concrete and are adorned with intricate stone carvings.

Interior: The interior of the cathedral is just as impressive as the exterior. The main nave is 40 meters (131 feet) long and 20 meters (66 feet) wide, and is illuminated by large windows that filter in natural light. The cathedral features a beautiful altar, a large organ, and several chapels and shrines.

Art and Decoration: The cathedral is adorned with many works of art, including sculptures, mosaics, and stained-glass windows. The most notable artwork is the large, colorful mosaic above the main altar, which depicts the Virgin Mary and the Christ child.

Services and Events: The New Cathedral of Linz is an active place of worship and hosts various services and events throughout the year, including Masses, concerts, and exhibitions.

Tourism: The cathedral is a popular tourist destination in Linz, attracting visitors from all over the world. Guided tours are available, and visitors can climb to the top of the tower for stunning views of the city.

Interesting Facts:

Overall, the New Cathedral of Linz is a beautiful and impressive building that is definitely worth a visit if you're in the area.