Download dave new songs

Dave is a British rapper and singer-songwriter known for his introspective and emotive lyrics. Here are some of his latest songs that you can download:

Latest Singles:

  1. "Clash" (feat. Stormzy) - Released in 2022, this song is a high-energy collaboration with fellow British rapper Stormzy.
  2. "Mercury" - Released in 2022, this song is a melodic and introspective track that showcases Dave's storytelling ability.
  3. "Starlight" - Released in 2021, this song is a laid-back and atmospheric track that features Dave's signature introspective lyrics.


  1. "We're All Alone in This Together" (2021) - This is Dave's second studio album, which features a mix of introspective and upbeat tracks.
  2. "Psychodrama" (2019) - This is Dave's debut studio album, which features a mix of hip-hop and R&B influences.

Where to Download:

You can download Dave's songs from various music streaming platforms, including:

  1. Apple Music
  2. Spotify
  3. Google Play Music
  4. Amazon Music
  5. Deezer

Note: Make sure to only download songs from authorized sources to support the artist and respect copyright laws.