New born baby wishes to mother

What a sweet and tender moment! Here are some wishes a newborn baby might have for their mother:

  1. Warmth and comfort: "Mama, please hold me close and keep me warm. I feel so safe and cozy in your arms."
  2. Nourishment and sustenance: "Mama, I'm hungry! Please feed me and give me the milk that will make me strong and healthy."
  3. Protection and safety: "Mama, keep me safe from harm. I trust you to shield me from any danger or discomfort."
  4. Love and affection: "Mama, I love you so much already! Please give me lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles."
  5. Attention and interaction: "Mama, talk to me! I love listening to your voice and responding with my coos and babbles."
  6. Calm and soothing: "Mama, when I cry, please calm me down with your gentle touch and soothing voice. I feel better when you're near."
  7. Mirroring and reflection: "Mama, look at me! I want to see your face and know that you're looking at me, too."
  8. Connection and bonding: "Mama, I want to be close to you. Please hold me, touch me, and let me feel your love and connection."
  9. Growth and development: "Mama, help me grow and learn. I want to explore the world and discover new things with you by my side."
  10. Unconditional love: "Mama, love me just the way I am. I know I'm still little and imperfect, but I know you'll always love me unconditionally."

These are just some of the wishes a newborn baby might have for their mother. Of course, every baby is unique, and their wishes may vary depending on their individual needs and personalities.