New bank account opening letter for company

Here is a sample letter for opening a new bank account for a company:

[Company Logo] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Date]

[Bank Name] [Bank Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Bank Representative],

Re: Application for Opening a New Business Bank Account

We are pleased to submit this application to open a new business bank account with [Bank Name]. Our company, [Company Name], is a [briefly describe the nature of the business] incorporated in [State/Country] on [Date of Incorporation].

Account Information:

Authorized Signers:

Business Information:

Purpose of Account:

The purpose of this account is to manage the financial transactions of [Company Name], including receiving and disbursing funds, paying bills, and maintaining a record of financial transactions.

Initial Deposit:

We will be making an initial deposit of $[Amount] to open the account.

Identification Documents:

We have attached the following identification documents to this application:

We understand that the bank may require additional documentation or information to verify our identity and the legitimacy of our business. We are willing to provide any additional information or documentation as required.

Please confirm receipt of this application and let us know if any additional information is required. We look forward to opening a new business bank account with [Bank Name] and appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Company Name]


Note: This is a sample letter and you should modify it according to your company's specific needs and the requirements of the bank. It's also a good idea to have a lawyer review the letter before submitting it to the bank.