New age group

You'd like to explore a new age group! Which one would you like to learn more about?

Here are some options:

  1. Tweens (11-13 years old): A stage of transition from childhood to adolescence, marked by increased independence and social awareness.
  2. Young Adults (18-24 years old): A period of exploration, self-discovery, and transition to independence, often marked by higher education, career choices, and social relationships.
  3. Older Adults (65+ years old): A stage of life characterized by wisdom, experience, and often a sense of accomplishment, with many individuals enjoying retirement or pursuing new hobbies and interests.
  4. Emerging Adults (18-29 years old): A stage of life marked by a mix of independence and dependence, as individuals navigate the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
  5. Middle-Aged Adults (40-59 years old): A stage of life often marked by established careers, family responsibilities, and a sense of stability, with many individuals experiencing midlife crises or re-evaluating their priorities.

Which of these age groups would you like to learn more about?