New about lagos

Lagos! Here are some new and interesting facts about Lagos, Nigeria:

  1. Lagos is the 5th largest city in Africa: With a population of over 21 million people, Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria and the 5th largest city in Africa, after Cairo, Kinshasa, Dar es Salaam, and Johannesburg.
  2. Economic hub: Lagos is the economic hub of Nigeria and West Africa, with a GDP of over $136 billion. It is a major center for finance, commerce, and industry.
  3. Port city: Lagos is a major port city, with the Apapa Port being one of the busiest ports in West Africa. The port handles over 80% of Nigeria's international trade.
  4. Cultural melting pot: Lagos is a cultural melting pot, with over 250 ethnic groups and over 1000 languages spoken in the city. It is a city where you can find people from all over Nigeria and the world living and working together.
  5. Music and entertainment: Lagos is the hub of Nigeria's music and entertainment industry, with many popular artists and musicians hailing from the city. The city is also home to many music festivals and events throughout the year.
  6. Food: Lagos is known for its delicious food, with popular dishes like jollof rice, suya, and egusi soup. The city is also home to many restaurants serving international cuisine.
  7. Traffic: Lagos is notorious for its traffic, with many residents spending hours stuck in traffic jams every day. However, the city is working to improve its transportation infrastructure, including the development of a new rail system.
  8. Beaches: Lagos has many beautiful beaches, including Bar Beach, Elegushi Beach, and Badagry Beach. These beaches are popular spots for relaxation and recreation.
  9. History: Lagos has a rich history, dating back to the 15th century when it was a small fishing village. The city was a major slave trading post during the transatlantic slave trade, and many of its historic buildings and landmarks reflect this period in its history.
  10. Future plans: Lagos is planning for the future, with many projects underway to improve its infrastructure, transportation, and economy. The city is also working to become a major hub for technology and innovation in Africa.

These are just a few of the many interesting facts about Lagos. Whether you're interested in culture, food, music, or history, Lagos has something to offer!