Khloe and tristan latest news

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have been making headlines recently due to their on-again, off-again relationship. Here are some of the latest updates:

Recent Breakup: In August 2021, Khloe and Tristan broke up for the second time after being together on and off since 2016. The reason for the breakup was reportedly due to Tristan's infidelity and lack of commitment to their relationship.

Cheating Scandal: In 2021, Tristan was accused of cheating on Khloe with multiple women, including a personal trainer and a model. The scandal led to a lot of drama and tension between the two, and ultimately contributed to their breakup.

Custody Battle: Khloe and Tristan have a daughter together, True Thompson, who was born in 2018. After their breakup, the two have been involved in a custody battle over their daughter. In August 2021, it was reported that Khloe was seeking primary custody of True, citing Tristan's lack of involvement and commitment to their daughter's well-being.

Khloe's New Relationship: In recent months, Khloe has been linked to a new man, Tristan Evans, a 29-year-old entrepreneur. The two have been spotted together on several occasions, and Khloe has even posted about him on social media.

Tristan's New Relationship: Tristan has also been linked to a new woman, Maralee Nichols, a 31-year-old fitness model. The two have been spotted together on several occasions, and Tristan has even posted about her on social media.

Kardashian Family Drama: The Kardashian family has been involved in a lot of drama recently, and Khloe's relationship with Tristan has been a major part of that. Khloe's sisters, Kim and Kourtney, have both spoken out about their disapproval of Tristan and his behavior, and the family has been at odds over the issue.

Overall, the situation between Khloe and Tristan is still quite complicated, and it's unclear what the future holds for their relationship.