Ndlea arrests notorious drug dealer on watch list for 10 years in sokoto

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NDLEA Arrests Notorious Drug Dealer on Watch List for 10 Years in Sokoto

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has arrested a notorious drug dealer who has been on its watch list for 10 years in Sokoto, Sokoto State.

According to a statement released by the agency, the suspect, whose name was given as Abubakar Sani, was arrested on Tuesday at his residence in the Sokoto metropolis.

Sani, who is a 35-year-old native of Sokoto State, was said to be a major supplier of illicit drugs in the state and had been evading arrest for years.

The NDLEA said that Sani was arrested following a tip-off from a reliable source, and that he was found in possession of 1.5 kilograms of cannabis sativa and 250 grams of tramadol.

The agency's Commander in Sokoto, Alhaji Hamza Lemu, said that Sani's arrest was a major breakthrough in the agency's efforts to rid the state of drug peddling.

"We have been monitoring Sani's activities for years, and we are glad that we have finally apprehended him," Lemu said. "He is a major supplier of drugs in the state, and his arrest will go a long way in reducing the availability of drugs in the state."

Sani is currently being held at the NDLEA's custody in Sokoto, pending further investigation and prosecution.

The NDLEA has been working tirelessly to rid the country of drug peddling, and the arrest of Sani is a major success in its efforts.

In related news, the agency has also arrested several other drug dealers in the state in recent weeks, and has seized large quantities of illicit drugs.

The NDLEA is urging the public to continue providing it with information that will help it to apprehend drug dealers and reduce the availability of drugs in the state.