New benz logo

You're referring to the new Mercedes-Benz logo!

In 2020, Mercedes-Benz introduced a new logo design, which marks a significant change for the iconic brand. Here's what's new:

The New Logo:

The new logo features a more modern and simplified design, with a focus on the brand's heritage and identity. The logo retains the traditional three-pointed star, but with a few key changes:

  1. Simplified shape: The star is now a single, continuous shape, rather than a combination of three separate points.
  2. New typography: The brand name "Mercedes-Benz" is now written in a custom-designed font, with a more modern and sleek appearance.
  3. Color scheme: The logo features a new color scheme, with a darker blue (Mercedes-Benz Blue) and a lighter blue (Mercedes-Benz Silver). The darker blue is used for the star, while the lighter blue is used for the brand name.

Design Rationale:

The new logo is designed to reflect the brand's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity. The simplified shape and modern typography are meant to convey a sense of dynamism and forward-thinking, while the new color scheme is intended to evoke a sense of trust, reliability, and sophistication.


The new logo has received mixed reactions from fans and critics alike. Some appreciate the modernization and simplification of the design, while others feel that the changes have lost the brand's traditional charm and character.

What do you think of the new Mercedes-Benz logo? Do you like the changes or prefer the classic design?