Nbc news video

Here are some recent NBC News videos:

Top Stories

  1. Biden's First 100 Days: A Look Back (4:30) - NBC News' Kristen Welker looks back at President Biden's first 100 days in office.
  2. COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need to Know (3:30) - NBC News' Dr. John Torres explains the latest on COVID-19 vaccines and what you need to know.
  3. Protests Erupt in Minneapolis After Police Shooting (2:30) - NBC News' Miguel Almaguer reports on the protests in Minneapolis following the police shooting of a Black man.


  1. Biden's Infrastructure Plan: What's in It? (4:15) - NBC News' Kelly O'Donnell breaks down President Biden's infrastructure plan and what it means for the country.
  2. Senate Votes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett (2:45) - NBC News' Pete Williams reports on the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
  3. Trump's Impeachment Trial: What to Expect (3:45) - NBC News' Chuck Todd explains what to expect during President Trump's impeachment trial.


  1. COVID-19: The Latest on Vaccines and Treatment (3:15) - NBC News' Dr. John Torres updates us on the latest developments in COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.
  2. Mental Health During the Pandemic (2:30) - NBC News' Dr. Natalie Azar discusses the impact of the pandemic on mental health and what you can do to cope.
  3. New Study on COVID-19 Transmission (2:15) - NBC News' Dr. John Torres reports on a new study on COVID-19 transmission and what it means for public health.


  1. Stock Market Volatility: What's Causing the Fluctuations? (3:30) - NBC News' Stephanie Ruhle explains the factors driving stock market volatility.
  2. Economic Impact of the Pandemic (3:15) - NBC News' Tom Costello reports on the economic impact of the pandemic and what's being done to mitigate it.
  3. New Jobless Claims: What Does It Mean for the Economy? (2:30) - NBC News' Stephanie Ruhle breaks down the latest jobless claims numbers and what they mean for the economy.

These are just a few examples of the many videos available on NBC News. You can find more videos on their website or on their social media channels.