Selfie fake news among 5000 new words german dictionary #comments

It seems like you're interested in learning about the term "selfie" and its inclusion in a new German dictionary, along with some fake news and comments.

Here's what I found:

Selfie in the German dictionary: The German dictionary "Duden" has indeed added the word "Selfie" to its latest edition, which includes around 5000 new words. The word "Selfie" is defined as a photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or camera.

Fake news: Unfortunately, I couldn't find any credible sources suggesting that the German dictionary "Duden" has been accused of spreading fake news. However, it's possible that some satirical or humorous articles might have made light of the inclusion of "Selfie" in the dictionary, claiming it's a sign of the decline of language or something similar.

Comments: Here are some possible comments that might be made about the inclusion of "Selfie" in the German dictionary:

Of course, these are just hypothetical comments, and actual reactions might vary widely depending on individual perspectives and opinions.

I hope this helps clarify things!