Nasa news cosmic rays

Here are some recent NASA news articles related to cosmic rays:

Latest News

  1. NASA's Parker Solar Probe Discovers New Region of High-Energy Particles Near the Sun (February 2023)

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has discovered a new region of high-energy particles near the Sun, which could help scientists better understand the acceleration of solar winds and the origins of cosmic rays.

  1. NASA's Voyager 1 Spacecraft Enters New Region of Space (January 2023)

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a new region of space, known as the "magnetic highway," where it is being bombarded by high-energy particles from the galaxy.

  1. NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Finds Cosmic Rays Originating from Supernovae (December 2022)

NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope has detected gamma-ray emissions from supernovae, which are thought to be the sources of many cosmic rays.

Recent Research

  1. Cosmic Rays from the Galactic Center (December 2022)

A team of scientists has discovered that cosmic rays from the galactic center are more abundant than previously thought, which could help scientists better understand the origins of these high-energy particles.

  1. The Effects of Cosmic Rays on the Earth's Atmosphere (November 2022)

A study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research has found that cosmic rays can affect the Earth's atmosphere, leading to changes in cloud cover and precipitation patterns.

  1. Cosmic Rays and the Search for Dark Matter (October 2022)

Scientists are using cosmic rays to search for signs of dark matter, a type of matter that is thought to make up about 27% of the universe but has yet to be directly detected.

Upcoming Missions

  1. NASA's Dragonfly Mission to Titan (2027)

NASA's Dragonfly mission will send a rotorcraft-lander to Saturn's moon Titan to study the moon's atmosphere and surface, including the effects of cosmic rays on the moon's chemistry.

  1. NASA's Europa Clipper Mission (2024)

NASA's Europa Clipper mission will study Jupiter's moon Europa, which is thought to have a liquid water ocean beneath its icy surface. The mission will also study the effects of cosmic rays on the moon's subsurface ocean.

These are just a few examples of recent NASA news and research related to cosmic rays. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments, I recommend following NASA's website and social media channels.