Naked and afraid new season

Exciting news for fans of the survival reality show "Naked and Afraid"!

The new season of "Naked and Afraid" has been announced, and it's set to premiere on Sunday, June 20th, 2021, on Discovery Channel.

Here are some details about the new season:

New Location: The new season will feature a new location, the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The participants will be dropped off in the heart of the Amazon, with no clothes, no tools, and no assistance.

New Challenges: The participants will face new challenges, including navigating the dense jungle, finding food and shelter, and dealing with the harsh weather conditions.

New Participants: The new season will feature a new cast of participants, including a mix of men and women from different backgrounds and with varying levels of survival experience.

Episode Structure: Each episode will feature a new pair of participants, and they will be given a specific challenge to complete within a certain time frame. The challenges will range from building shelter to finding food and navigating the wilderness.

Special Episodes: In addition to the regular episodes, there will be two special episodes featuring a "Naked and Afraid XL" format, where a group of participants will be dropped off in the Amazon and will have to work together to survive.

Streaming Options: If you don't have cable, you can still watch "Naked and Afraid" on various streaming platforms, including the Discovery Channel app, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.

Get ready to witness the ultimate test of human endurance and survival skills!