Nafdac docks trader over confrontation with operatives

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NAFDAC Docks Trader Over Confrontation with Operatives

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has taken a trader to task over a confrontation with its operatives in Lagos.

According to a statement issued by the agency, the trader, who was identified as Mr. John Doe, was arrested and taken to the NAFDAC office in Lagos for questioning.

The agency alleged that Mr. Doe had engaged in a physical altercation with its operatives who were on a routine inspection of his premises.

"NAFDAC operatives were on a routine inspection of Mr. Doe's premises when he became agitated and violent, refusing to cooperate with the agency's officials," the statement read.

The agency further alleged that Mr. Doe had attempted to obstruct the officials from carrying out their duties, and had also made threats against them.

"NAFDAC takes the safety and well-being of its officials very seriously, and will not tolerate any form of violence or intimidation against them," the statement added.

Mr. Doe was subsequently charged to court and is currently facing charges of obstruction of official duties and assault.

NAFDAC has also warned other traders and business owners in the state to desist from engaging in any form of violence or intimidation against its operatives, and to cooperate fully with the agency's officials.

"We will not hesitate to take any necessary action to protect our officials and ensure that they are able to carry out their duties effectively," the agency said.

The incident is the latest in a series of confrontations between NAFDAC operatives and traders in Lagos, and highlights the need for greater cooperation and understanding between the agency and the business community.