N power to become africas largest post tertiary job scheme osinbajo

I think there may be a slight mistake in your question. The correct phrase is likely "N-Power to become Africa's largest post-tertiary job scheme, Osinbajo".

N-Power is a Nigerian government initiative aimed at providing job opportunities for young Nigerians. It was launched in 2016 by the Federal Government of Nigeria as part of its Social Investment Programme (SIP).

The initiative is designed to address the issue of youth unemployment in Nigeria by providing a platform for young people to acquire skills and gain employment. The program is divided into three streams: N-Power Volunteer Corps, N-Power Knowledge, and N-Power Build.

The goal of N-Power is to create a pool of skilled and talented young Nigerians who can contribute to the country's development. The program has been successful in providing job opportunities for many young Nigerians and has also helped to reduce youth unemployment in the country.

As for the statement "N-Power to become Africa's largest post-tertiary job scheme, Osinbajo", it suggests that the Nigerian government, under the leadership of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, plans to expand the N-Power program to become the largest post-tertiary job scheme in Africa. This would involve scaling up the program to cover more young people across the continent, providing them with skills and job opportunities.

It's worth noting that the statement is likely a goal or aspiration rather than a current reality. However, it highlights the Nigerian government's commitment to addressing youth unemployment and promoting economic development in the country and across the continent.