Motley fool rule breakers revealed

A great topic!

The Motley Fool's "Rule Breakers" is a popular investment newsletter that focuses on identifying and recommending high-growth stocks that are breaking the rules of traditional investing. The newsletter is led by David Kretzmann, a seasoned analyst and writer at The Motley Fool.

Here are some key takeaways from the "Rule Breakers" newsletter:

The Rules:

  1. Growth over Value: Rule Breakers focuses on companies with high growth potential, rather than those with low valuations.
  2. Innovative Companies: The newsletter looks for companies that are disrupting industries or creating new markets.
  3. Strong Management: The team seeks out companies with talented, experienced, and visionary management teams.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Rule Breakers looks for companies with sustainable competitive advantages, such as patents, brand recognition, or network effects.
  5. High-Growth Potential: The newsletter targets companies with high growth potential, often with revenue growth rates of 20% or higher.

The Process:

  1. Research: The team conducts extensive research on companies, analyzing financials, industry trends, management teams, and competitive landscapes.
  2. Screening: The team uses a proprietary screening process to identify companies that meet the "Rule Breakers" criteria.
  3. Analysis: The team analyzes the selected companies, considering factors such as growth potential, valuation, and competitive advantages.
  4. Recommendations: The newsletter provides buy recommendations, often with specific price targets and timeframes for potential returns.

Some Notable Success Stories:

  1. Netflix (NFLX): The newsletter recommended Netflix in 2011, when the stock was trading around $25. Today, it's a $250+ stock.
  2. Amazon (AMZN): Rule Breakers recommended Amazon in 2004, when the stock was trading around $10. Today, it's a $1,000+ stock.
  3. Shopify (SHOP): The newsletter recommended Shopify in 2015, when the stock was trading around $20. Today, it's a $1,000+ stock.
  4. DocuSign (DOCU): Rule Breakers recommended DocuSign in 2018, when the stock was trading around $50. Today, it's a $200+ stock.


The Motley Fool's "Rule Breakers" newsletter is a great resource for investors seeking high-growth stocks with innovative companies, strong management, and competitive advantages. While past performance is not a guarantee of future success, the newsletter has a track record of identifying and recommending successful companies. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the newsletter's website or subscribing to their services.