Breaking benjamin new songs download

Breaking Benjamin is an American rock band known for their heavy, melodic sound and powerful vocals. Here are some of their latest songs that you can download:

Latest Songs:

  1. "Torn in Two" (2020) - This is the lead single from their seventh studio album, "Aurora".
  2. "Far Away" (2020) - Another track from "Aurora", this song features a more upbeat, energetic vibe.
  3. "The Dark of You" (2020) - A haunting, atmospheric track with a focus on Benjamin Burnley's powerful vocals.
  4. "Echo" (2018) - A single from their sixth studio album, "Ember".
  5. "Red Cold River" (2018) - Another track from "Ember", this song features a more aggressive, heavy sound.

Full Albums:

  1. Aurora (2020) - Their seventh studio album, featuring 12 tracks including the singles mentioned above.
  2. Ember (2018) - Their sixth studio album, featuring 12 tracks including the singles "Echo" and "Red Cold River".
  3. Dark Before Dawn (2015) - Their fifth studio album, featuring 12 tracks including the singles "Failure" and "Angels Fall".

Where to Download:

You can download Breaking Benjamin's music from various online platforms, including:

  1. iTunes
  2. Google Play Music
  3. Amazon Music
  4. Spotify (streaming only)
  5. Bandcamp (official website)

Remember to always download from authorized sources to support the artists and avoid any potential legal issues.