Morgue holding kim jong nams body has break in attempt increases security

You're referring to the recent incident at the mortuary in Macau where Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was laid to rest.

According to reports, the mortuary in Macau, where Kim Jong Nam's body was being held, was broken into on February 18, 2023, in an apparent attempt to steal the body. The incident occurred just days after the funeral, which was attended by dignitaries from around the world.

In response to the break-in, the mortuary has increased security measures to prevent any further attempts to desecrate the body or disrupt the funeral process. The authorities have also launched an investigation into the incident to determine the motives behind the break-in and identify the perpetrators.

It's worth noting that the break-in is seen as a significant escalation in the tensions surrounding Kim Jong Nam's death, which has been attributed to a nerve agent attack at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia in February 2017. The incident has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation, with many calling for justice and accountability for those responsible.

The increased security measures at the mortuary are aimed at preventing any further disruptions to the funeral process and ensuring that the body is treated with the respect and dignity it deserves. The authorities are working closely with international partners to investigate the incident and bring those responsible to justice.