Mnangagwa latest news today

Here are the latest news updates on Emmerson Mnangagwa, the President of Zimbabwe:

Latest News:

  1. Zimbabwe's economy to recover in 2023: President Mnangagwa has expressed optimism that Zimbabwe's economy will recover in 2023, citing improvements in agriculture and mining sectors. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Mnangagwa meets with African Union Commission Chair: President Mnangagwa met with African Union Commission Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat in Harare, discussing regional and international issues, including the African Continental Free Trade Area. (Source: New Zimbabwe)
  3. Zimbabwe to host SADC summit: Zimbabwe will host the Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit in August 2023, with President Mnangagwa expected to chair the meeting. (Source: The Chronicle)
  4. Mnangagwa's government accused of human rights abuses: Human rights groups have accused the Mnangagwa government of perpetuating human rights abuses, including torture and arbitrary arrests. (Source: Amnesty International)
  5. Zimbabwe's energy crisis worsens: Zimbabwe is facing an energy crisis, with power outages becoming more frequent. President Mnangagwa has promised to address the issue, but no solution has been announced yet. (Source: The Standard)

Recent Developments:

  1. Mnangagwa's cabinet reshuffle: President Mnangagwa recently reshuffled his cabinet, appointing new ministers to key portfolios, including finance and energy. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Zimbabwe's inflation rate drops: Zimbabwe's inflation rate has dropped to 256% in January 2023, down from 284% in December 2022. (Source: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe)
  3. Mnangagwa's visit to China: President Mnangagwa recently returned from a visit to China, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and discussed trade and investment opportunities. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Please note that the news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive.