Masters in new brunswick

New Brunswick! A beautiful province in Canada with a rich history and culture. Here are some popular Master's programs in New Brunswick:

Universities in New Brunswick:

  1. University of New Brunswick (UNB): Located in Fredericton, UNB is one of the oldest universities in Canada, offering a wide range of Master's programs in fields like business, engineering, education, and more.
  2. St. Thomas University (STU): Also located in Fredericton, STU is a liberal arts university that offers Master's programs in fields like English, history, sociology, and more.
  3. Mount Allison University: Located in Sackville, Mount Allison is a small liberal arts university that offers Master's programs in fields like English, history, and more.
  4. Université de Moncton: Located in Moncton, this French-language university offers Master's programs in fields like business, education, and more.

Popular Master's programs in New Brunswick:

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA): UNB and STU both offer MBA programs with specializations in areas like finance, marketing, and more.
  2. Master of Engineering: UNB offers Master's programs in engineering fields like civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
  3. Master of Education: UNB and STU both offer Master's programs in education, with specializations in areas like curriculum studies, educational leadership, and more.
  4. Master of Arts in English: Mount Allison University offers a Master's program in English literature and language.
  5. Master of Science in Biology: UNB offers a Master's program in biology, with specializations in areas like ecology, evolution, and more.

Scholarships and funding:

  1. New Brunswick Graduate Scholarship: The province offers a graduate scholarship program for students pursuing Master's degrees in New Brunswick.
  2. UNB Graduate Scholarship: UNB offers a range of graduate scholarships to students pursuing Master's degrees.
  3. STU Graduate Scholarship: STU also offers graduate scholarships to students pursuing Master's degrees.

Cost of living:

  1. Rent: The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Fredericton is around $800-1,000 CAD per month.
  2. Food: Eating out in New Brunswick can cost around $15-25 CAD per meal. Groceries can cost around $50-75 CAD per week for basic items.
  3. Transportation: A one-way bus ticket in New Brunswick costs around $2-3 CAD. A monthly pass can cost around $50-70 CAD.


  1. English: English is the primary language spoken in New Brunswick, but French is also an official language.
  2. French: Many universities in New Brunswick offer French-language programs, and some even offer bilingual programs.

I hope this information helps you get started on your Master's journey in New Brunswick!