Marketing news today

Here are some of the latest marketing news and trends:

1. TikTok's New Ad Options: TikTok has introduced new ad options, including "Branded Effects" and "TopView" ads, which allow brands to create custom effects and have their ads appear at the top of users' feeds. (Source: Adweek)

2. Google's New Search Console: Google has launched a new Search Console, which provides webmasters with more detailed insights into their website's search performance and allows them to request reconsideration of manual actions. (Source: Search Engine Land)

3. Facebook's New Ad Targeting Options: Facebook has introduced new ad targeting options, including "Household Income" and "Purchase Behavior", which allow advertisers to target specific demographics and behaviors. (Source: Adweek)

4. Amazon's New Advertising Platform: Amazon has launched a new advertising platform, called "Amazon Advertising Platform", which allows brands to target customers across Amazon's e-commerce platform and other websites. (Source: The Drum)

5. Instagram's New E-commerce Features: Instagram has introduced new e-commerce features, including "Checkout" and "Shopping", which allow users to purchase products directly from the app. (Source: Adweek)

6. YouTube's New Ad Format: YouTube has introduced a new ad format, called "Sponsored Cards", which allows brands to create interactive ads that appear as cards within videos. (Source: Adweek)

7. Twitter's New Ad Targeting Options: Twitter has introduced new ad targeting options, including "Keywords" and "Interests", which allow advertisers to target specific topics and interests. (Source: Adweek)

8. Snapchat's New Ad Format: Snapchat has introduced a new ad format, called "Snap Ads", which allows brands to create interactive ads that appear as full-screen experiences. (Source: Adweek)

9. Pinterest's New Ad Targeting Options: Pinterest has introduced new ad targeting options, including "Audience Insights" and "Lookalike Audiences", which allow advertisers to target specific demographics and behaviors. (Source: Adweek)

10. The Rise of Voice Search: A new report from BrightEdge has found that voice search is on the rise, with 72% of consumers using voice search to find products and services. (Source: Search Engine Land)

These are just a few of the latest marketing news and trends. If you'd like to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing news, I can provide you with a daily or weekly summary of the top marketing stories.