Tag britains prime minister theresa may answers questions after delivering a speech on leaving the european union at lancaster house in london

Here is a possible transcript of Theresa May answering questions after delivering a speech on leaving the European Union at Lancaster House in London:

Theresa May: Thank you, thank you. I'm happy to take your questions now.

Journalist 1: Prime Minister, you've just outlined a vision for a post-Brexit Britain. But critics are already saying that your plan is too vague and lacks detail. How do you respond to those concerns?

Theresa May: I understand that some people may be looking for more detail, but I believe that the principles I've outlined today provide a clear direction of travel for our country. We will be leaving the single market and the customs union, and we will be establishing a new relationship with the EU based on a free trade agreement. We will also be introducing a new immigration system that will allow us to control our borders and attract the brightest and best from around the world.

Journalist 2: Prime Minister, you've said that you want to maintain a close relationship with the EU, but you've also said that you won't be part of the single market or the customs union. How do you reconcile those two positions?

Theresa May: We want to maintain a close relationship with the EU, but we also want to be able to make our own decisions and set our own laws. The single market and the customs union are designed to promote economic integration, but they also limit our ability to make our own choices. We believe that a new relationship based on a free trade agreement will allow us to maintain a close relationship with the EU while also giving us the freedom to make our own decisions.

Journalist 3: Prime Minister, you've said that you want to protect the rights of EU citizens living in the UK, but you've also said that you won't be offering them the same rights as UK citizens. How do you justify that disparity?

Theresa May: We want to protect the rights of EU citizens living in the UK, and we will be introducing a new immigration system that will allow them to stay in the UK. However, we also believe that it's important to maintain the integrity of our immigration system and to ensure that it's not exploited. We will be introducing a new system that will allow us to control our borders and attract the brightest and best from around the world.

Journalist 4: Prime Minister, you've said that you want to use Brexit as an opportunity to rebalance the economy and to reduce inequality. But how do you plan to achieve that?

Theresa May: We believe that Brexit provides an opportunity to rebalance the economy and to reduce inequality. We will be introducing a new industrial strategy that will focus on investing in key sectors such as manufacturing and technology. We will also be introducing a new system of corporate taxation that will ensure that large corporations pay their fair share. And we will be introducing a new system of social welfare that will ensure that everyone has access to the support they need.

Journalist 5: Prime Minister, you've said that you want to maintain a close relationship with the EU, but you've also said that you won't be part of the EU's common foreign and security policy. How do you plan to work with the EU on issues such as defense and security?

Theresa May: We want to maintain a close relationship with the EU on issues such as defense and security. We will be working closely with the EU to address common threats and challenges, and we will be maintaining our membership of the NATO alliance. We will also be introducing a new system of defense and security cooperation that will allow us to work closely with the EU and other countries to address common threats and challenges.

Journalist 6: Prime Minister, you've said that you want to use Brexit as an opportunity to restore trust in politics. But how do you plan to achieve that?

Theresa May: We believe that Brexit provides an opportunity to restore trust in politics. We will be introducing a new system of transparency and accountability that will ensure that the government is held to account for its actions. We will also be introducing a new system of citizen engagement that will ensure that people have a greater say in the decisions that affect their lives. And we will be introducing a new system of ethics and standards that will ensure that politicians are held to the highest standards of behavior.

Theresa May: Thank you, thank you. I think that's all the time we have for today.