Mapoly lecturers declare work to rule strike

It seems like there's an ongoing situation at Mapoly (Makurdi Polytechnic)!

According to reports, the lecturers at Mapoly have declared a "work to rule" strike. This means that they will continue to work, but with a reduced capacity and without taking on any additional responsibilities.

The strike is likely a response to some unresolved issues or grievances that the lecturers have with the institution or the government. Work-to-rule strikes are often used as a way to bring attention to these issues and to put pressure on the relevant authorities to address them.

It's not uncommon for academic staff to go on strike in Nigeria, as they often face challenges related to funding, infrastructure, and working conditions. The strike at Mapoly may have implications for the students, who may face disruptions to their academic schedules and activities.

I hope that the issues are resolved soon and that the strike is called off, allowing the lecturers and students to return to normal activities.