Man u breaking news this hour

I'm not aware of any breaking news about Manchester United this hour. However, I can suggest some possible sources of news and updates about the team:

  1. Manchester United's official website: You can check the team's official website for the latest news, updates, and match reports.
  2. BBC Sport: The BBC Sport website provides live updates, news, and analysis of Manchester United's matches and other sports news.
  3. Sky Sports: Sky Sports is a popular sports channel that provides live coverage of Manchester United's matches and other sports news.
  4. Manchester Evening News: The Manchester Evening News is a local newspaper that provides news and updates about Manchester United and other local sports teams.
  5. Social media: You can follow Manchester United's official social media accounts, such as Twitter and Facebook, for the latest news and updates.

Please note that any breaking news about Manchester United may be subject to change and may not be available at the time of your inquiry.