Man charged for racist behaviour during man citys loss against man utd at etihad stadium in december

I think I can help you with that!

According to reports, a man was charged by the Football Association (FA) for using racist language towards Manchester United players during Manchester City's 2-0 loss to Manchester United at the Etihad Stadium on December 12, 2021.

The incident allegedly occurred during the match, and the FA launched an investigation after receiving a complaint. The man, who has not been named, was charged with using abusive and/or insulting words, including a reference to ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race.

The FA has taken the matter seriously and has issued a formal charge against the individual. The case will now be heard by an independent regulatory commission, which will determine the appropriate punishment.

It's important to note that racism has no place in football or any other aspect of society. The FA and other governing bodies have a zero-tolerance policy towards racist behavior, and any incidents of this nature will be thoroughly investigated and punished accordingly.

I hope this information is helpful!