Mr p psquare new song

You're a fan of Mr. P (Peter Okoye) from the famous Nigerian duo PSquare!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Mr. P has been working on new music and has released a few singles recently. Here are a few of his latest songs:

  1. "One Eye Traffic" (feat. Nasty C) - Released in 2020, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and hip-hop.
  2. "Jaiye" - Another single released in 2020, this one is a high-energy Afrobeats track with a catchy chorus.
  3. "Grazie" (feat. Mohombi) - This song was released in 2021 and features Congolese singer Mohombi. It's a fusion of Afrobeats, dancehall, and pop.

Please note that Mr. P's music output has been a bit sporadic since PSquare's hiatus, but he's been working on new music and collaborating with other artists. You can keep an eye on his social media accounts or music streaming platforms for updates on his latest releases!