Malema news

Julius Malema is a South African politician and the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a radical left-wing political party. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Malema's EFF to contest ANC in 2024 elections: Julius Malema has announced that the EFF will contest the African National Congress (ANC) in the 2024 general elections, saying that the party is ready to take on the ANC and other opposition parties. (Source: News24)
  2. Malema's assets frozen by court: A South African court has ordered the freezing of Julius Malema's assets, including his farm and a luxury car, as part of a corruption case against him. (Source: Times Live)
  3. Malema's EFF to support Zuma's bid to avoid prison: The EFF has announced that it will support former President Jacob Zuma's bid to avoid prison, saying that Zuma is a "patriot" who has been unfairly targeted by the state. (Source: IOL)
  4. Malema's EFF to contest by-elections: The EFF has announced that it will contest several by-elections in South Africa, including in the Western Cape and Gauteng provinces. (Source: News24)
  5. Malema's EFF to support land expropriation without compensation: The EFF has reiterated its support for land expropriation without compensation, saying that it is a necessary step towards achieving economic freedom for black South Africans. (Source: Times Live)

Recent Quotes:

  1. On the ANC: "The ANC is a party of the past, it's a party that has failed the people of South Africa." (Source: News24)
  2. On land expropriation: "We are not going to negotiate on the issue of land expropriation without compensation. It's a non-negotiable issue." (Source: Times Live)
  3. On the EFF's role in South African politics: "We are not a party that is interested in being in power for the sake of being in power. We are a party that is interested in serving the people of South Africa." (Source: IOL)

Recent Interviews:

  1. Interview with News24: Julius Malema spoke to News24 about the EFF's plans for the 2024 elections and its stance on various issues, including land expropriation and corruption. (Source: News24)
  2. Interview with Times Live: Malema spoke to Times Live about the EFF's support for Jacob Zuma and its stance on the ANC. (Source: Times Live)
  3. Interview with IOL: Malema spoke to IOL about the EFF's plans for the by-elections and its stance on various issues, including land expropriation and corruption. (Source: IOL)

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of news articles and quotes may vary depending on the source.