About the new star wars trilogy in the making blog

You're referring to the upcoming Star Wars trilogy, also known as "Star Wars: The High Republic"! Here's what we know so far:

The High Republic: This new trilogy is set hundreds of years before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes IV-VI). It's a time of peace and prosperity in the galaxy, with the Jedi Order and the Republic working together to maintain harmony.

The Story: The trilogy follows a group of heroes, including a young Padawan named Avar Kriss, a former Padawan named Keeve Trennis, and a group of explorers known as the Nihil, who are a mysterious and ruthless group of scavengers. The story explores the rise of the Nihil and the Jedi's response to their threat.

The Authors: The trilogy is being written by a team of authors, including Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, and Daniel José Older. Each author is writing a novel in the trilogy, with the first book, "Star Wars: A Test of Courage," being released on January 5, 2021.

The Timeline: The High Republic trilogy is set during a time known as the "High Republic Era," which is a period of peace and prosperity in the galaxy. This era is said to be around 200 years before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy.

The Characters: The trilogy introduces a new cast of characters, including the ones mentioned above. Avar Kriss is a young Padawan who is part of the Jedi Order, while Keeve Trennis is a former Padawan who has left the Order. The Nihil are a group of scavengers who are driven by a desire for power and wealth.

The Themes: The trilogy explores themes of hope, courage, and the struggle between good and evil. It also delves into the complexities of the Jedi Order and the Republic, showing how they work together to maintain peace in the galaxy.

The Art: The trilogy features stunning artwork by various artists, including Phil Noto, who is known for his work on Star Wars comics and novels.

The Future: The High Republic trilogy is just the beginning of a new era in Star Wars storytelling. Lucasfilm has announced plans to expand the High Republic universe with more novels, comics, and other media, including a new animated series.

Overall, the High Republic trilogy promises to be an exciting new chapter in the Star Wars saga, with a fresh cast of characters, new themes, and a richly detailed universe to explore.