Malaysia news najib

You're referring to the news about Najib Razak, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia. Here are some recent updates:

Latest Developments:

  1. Corruption Trial: Najib Razak is currently facing a corruption trial related to the misappropriation of funds from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a state-owned investment fund. He has been accused of stealing billions of dollars from 1MDB and using the money to fund his political campaigns and personal expenses.
  2. Verdict: On July 28, 2020, Najib Razak was found guilty of all seven charges related to the misappropriation of 1MDB funds. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined RM210 million (approximately USD 52 million).
  3. Appeal: Najib Razak has appealed the verdict and sentence, and his appeal is currently pending.

Recent News:

  1. Najib's Lawyers Seek New Trial: Najib's lawyers have filed an application to the Court of Appeal to seek a new trial, citing alleged irregularities in the trial process.
  2. Najib's Assets Frozen: The Malaysian government has frozen Najib's assets, including his bank accounts and properties, as part of the investigation into the 1MDB scandal.
  3. Najib's Political Career: Najib's political career has been severely impacted by the scandal. He was ousted as Prime Minister in 2018 and has since lost his parliamentary seat.


  1. 1MDB Scandal: The 1MDB scandal involves the alleged misappropriation of billions of dollars from the state-owned investment fund. The scandal was first uncovered in 2015 and has since led to investigations and prosecutions in several countries, including Malaysia, the United States, and Switzerland.
  2. Najib's Role: Najib Razak was the Prime Minister of Malaysia from 2009 to 2018 and was the chairman of the 1MDB board of directors. He has been accused of being involved in the misappropriation of 1MDB funds and using the money to fund his political campaigns and personal expenses.

I hope this information is helpful!