Coronavirus panama tribal gathering festival locked down

It sounds like you're referring to a specific event or situation involving a coronavirus outbreak in Panama, specifically a tribal gathering festival that was locked down.

Here's what I found:

In March 2020, a large gathering of indigenous people from various tribes in Panama was held in the town of El Porvenir, in the province of Darien. The event, known as the "Festival de Tribus" or "Tribal Festival," was meant to celebrate the cultural heritage of the indigenous communities in Panama.

However, the festival turned out to be a superspreader event, with many attendees testing positive for COVID-19. The Panamanian government was forced to lock down the area and impose strict quarantine measures to contain the spread of the virus.

According to reports, over 100 people were infected with COVID-19 during the festival, and several deaths were attributed to the outbreak. The lockdown was eventually lifted after several weeks, but not before the event had a significant impact on the local community and the country as a whole.

It's worth noting that the festival was not the only COVID-19 outbreak in Panama during the pandemic. The country experienced several outbreaks and lockdowns throughout 2020 and 2021, with the virus spreading rapidly among the population.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!