Malaysia jails first person under anti fake news law #comments

Malaysia Jails First Person Under Anti-Fake News Law

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A Malaysian man was sentenced to a year in prison on Friday for spreading fake news, the first person to be jailed under the country's controversial anti-fake news law.

Amos Yee, a 28-year-old blogger and activist, was found guilty of publishing false information on his blog and social media platforms. He was arrested in 2019 and charged under the Fake News Act, which was passed in 2018.

Yee was accused of spreading false information about the Malaysian government and its leaders, including Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. He was also accused of promoting hatred and enmity among different racial and religious groups.

The court found Yee guilty of all charges and sentenced him to a year in prison, with a fine of 10,000 ringgit (US$2,500).

Yee's lawyer, N. Surendran, said the sentence was "excessive" and that his client would appeal the decision.

"This is a clear case of political persecution," Surendran said. "Amos Yee is a political prisoner, and his imprisonment is a blow to freedom of speech and expression in Malaysia."

Yee's case has drawn international attention and criticism, with many human rights groups and media organizations calling for his release.

The Fake News Act has been widely criticized for its vague language and potential to be used to silence dissenting voices. The law has been used to arrest and charge several people in Malaysia, including journalists and activists.

Malaysia's government has defended the law, saying it is necessary to combat the spread of false information and maintain public order.

Yee's imprisonment has sparked concerns about the erosion of press freedom and the government's increasing use of laws to silence critics.

"This is a dark day for Malaysia," said Maria Ressa, a Filipino journalist and Nobel laureate who has been critical of the law. "The imprisonment of Amos Yee is a clear example of the government's attempt to silence dissenting voices and control the narrative."

Yee's imprisonment has also sparked protests and calls for his release from human rights groups and activists around the world.
