Blaze of battle new update

You're referring to the popular mobile game "Blaze of Battle"!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the latest update for Blaze of Battle is version 1.4.0, which was released on March 24, 2023. Here are some of the key features and changes introduced in this update:

New Features:

  1. New Hero: Aurora: A new 5-star hero with a unique set of abilities and skills.
  2. New Equipment: New equipment sets and items have been added to the game, including a new "Aurora's Blessing" set.
  3. Improved UI: The game's user interface has been updated with a new design and layout, making it easier to navigate and access various features.
  4. New Events: New events and challenges have been added to the game, including a new "Aurora's Quest" event.

Balance Changes:

  1. Hero Balance: Some heroes have received balance changes, including adjustments to their stats, abilities, and skills.
  2. Equipment Balance: Some equipment sets and items have been rebalanced to provide more competitive advantages.
  3. Game Mechanics: Some game mechanics have been tweaked to improve the overall gameplay experience.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Various Bug Fixes: The update includes fixes for several bugs and issues that players have reported, including crashes, freezes, and other technical issues.

Please note that this information may not be up-to-date, as new updates may have been released since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking the game's official website, social media channels, or in-game notifications for the latest information on updates and changes.