Makinde vows to waive immunity if accused of corruption

I think there may be a mistake here. Seyi Makinde is the Governor of Oyo State in Nigeria, and I'm not aware of any statement he made about waiving his immunity if accused of corruption.

As a governor, Makinde enjoys immunity from prosecution while in office, which is a constitutional provision in Nigeria. This means that he cannot be prosecuted or arrested for any alleged wrongdoing while he remains in office.

However, if allegations of corruption are made against him, it's possible that he may be investigated and potentially prosecuted after he leaves office or if his immunity is waived by the National Assembly.

It's important to note that the Nigerian Constitution provides for the waiver of immunity in certain circumstances, such as when a governor is accused of a serious crime that is not related to their official duties. In such cases, the National Assembly can pass a resolution to waive the governor's immunity, allowing them to be prosecuted.

But I'm not aware of any specific statement made by Governor Makinde about waiving his immunity if accused of corruption. If you have any more information or a specific source for this statement, I'd be happy to help clarify things!