Mabitselas are stingy skeem saam fans react to leshole splitting the bill

I see what you did there! You're referencing the popular South African soap opera "Skeem Saam" and the character Leshole, who is known for being stingy. Here's a possible reaction from Mabitselas, a fan of the show:

"Mabitselas: Oooh, Leshole, you're really showing your true colours now! Splitting the bill? You're not even trying to hide your stinginess anymore! I mean, I know you're a businessman and all, but come on, man! You're not going to make it in life if you're always expecting others to foot the bill. #LesholeIsStingy #SkeemSaam"

Or, alternatively:

"Mabitselas: Leshole, Leshole, Leshole... why must you always be so cheap? Can't you just splurge a little bit and treat your friends to a nice meal? It's not like you're made of money or anything! #LesholeNeedsToLearnToShare #SkeemSaam"

Of course, this is all just fictional and for entertainment purposes only.