Lyrics black sherif samsney goldigga

I think you're referring to the song "Second Sermon" by Black Sherif, featuring Samsney and Goldigga. Here are the lyrics:

Verse 1 (Black Sherif) I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way

Chorus (Black Sherif) Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word

Verse 2 (Samsney) I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way

Chorus (Black Sherif) Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word

Verse 3 (Goldigga) I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way I dey hustle, I dey grind, I dey make my own way No one go help me, I dey do it my own way

Chorus (Black Sherif) Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word Second sermon, I'm preaching the word

Please note that these are the lyrics as I could find them online, and there might be slight variations depending on the version or remix of the song.