Nigerian peace corps today news

Here are some recent news updates about the Nigerian Peace Corps:

Latest News

  1. Nigerian Peace Corps Bill Passes Second Reading in Senate: The Nigerian Peace Corps Bill has passed its second reading in the Senate, paving the way for its consideration and passage. The bill seeks to establish the Nigerian Peace Corps as a national agency responsible for promoting peace, security, and community development. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Peace Corps Members Protest Non-Payment of Allowances: Members of the Nigerian Peace Corps have protested the non-payment of their allowances, citing financial difficulties and hardship. The protesters, who marched to the National Assembly, demanded immediate payment of their allowances. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. Nigerian Peace Corps to Partner with UNICEF on Community Development: The Nigerian Peace Corps has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UNICEF to collaborate on community development projects, particularly in the areas of education, health, and sanitation. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  4. Peace Corps Members Trained on Conflict Resolution: The Nigerian Peace Corps has trained its members on conflict resolution and peacebuilding skills, aimed at enhancing their capacity to manage conflicts and promote peace in their communities. (Source: The Guardian)

Recent Developments

  1. Nigerian Peace Corps to Establish Training Centers: The Nigerian Peace Corps is planning to establish training centers across the country to equip its members with skills in areas such as conflict resolution, community development, and disaster management. (Source: ThisDay Live)
  2. Peace Corps Members to Participate in National Youth Service Corps: The Nigerian Peace Corps has announced that its members will participate in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, aimed at promoting national unity and development. (Source: Punch Newspaper)
  3. Nigerian Peace Corps to Collaborate with International Organizations: The Nigerian Peace Corps has expressed its willingness to collaborate with international organizations, such as the United Nations, to promote peace, security, and development in Nigeria. (Source: Daily Independent)


The Nigerian Peace Corps is a national agency established in 2013 to promote peace, security, and community development in Nigeria. The agency has a mandate to engage in community development projects, conflict resolution, and disaster management, among other activities. The Nigerian Peace Corps has been involved in various initiatives, including the promotion of education, health, and sanitation, as well as the empowerment of women and youth.