Louis farrakhan latest news

Louis Farrakhan is a controversial American religious leader and civil rights activist who is the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent Controversies:

  1. Anti-Semitic Remarks: In November 2020, Farrakhan delivered a speech in which he made anti-Semitic remarks, stating that "the Jews" were responsible for the slave trade and the oppression of black people. The speech sparked widespread condemnation from Jewish leaders and organizations.
  2. Death of Elijah Muhammad: In February 2021, Farrakhan delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Elijah Muhammad, the former leader of the Nation of Islam who died at the age of 84. Farrakhan's speech was criticized for its anti-Semitic and anti-white rhetoric.
  3. COVID-19 Vaccine Skepticism: In December 2020, Farrakhan expressed skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that it was a "plot" to control people's minds and bodies. His comments were widely criticized by public health experts and medical professionals.

Recent Events:

  1. Nation of Islam Convention: In October 2020, the Nation of Islam held its annual convention in Chicago, which was attended by Farrakhan and other NOI leaders. The convention featured speeches and workshops on topics such as black empowerment, social justice, and economic development.
  2. Meeting with Iranian Leader: In March 2020, Farrakhan met with Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran, Iran. The meeting was seen as a significant development in the Nation of Islam's efforts to build relationships with international leaders and organizations.
  3. Book Release: In November 2020, Farrakhan released a new book titled "The Criterion," which is a collection of his speeches and writings on topics such as black empowerment, social justice, and spirituality.

Personal Life:

  1. Health Issues: In recent years, Farrakhan has faced health issues, including a heart condition and a bout of pneumonia. Despite these challenges, he continues to be active in his ministry and public speaking engagements.
  2. Family Life: Farrakhan is married to Khadijah Farrakhan, and they have several children together. He is also a grandfather and great-grandfather.

Reactions and Criticisms:

  1. Jewish Organizations: Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) have repeatedly condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions.
  2. Civil Rights Leaders: Some civil rights leaders, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, have criticized Farrakhan's views and actions, while others have defended him as a champion of black empowerment and social justice.
  3. Government Officials: Government officials, including politicians and law enforcement agencies, have also criticized Farrakhan's views and actions, citing concerns about his anti-Semitic and anti-white rhetoric.

Overall, Louis Farrakhan remains a controversial figure in American society, with many people viewing him as a champion of black empowerment and social justice, while others see him as a hate-monger and anti-Semite.