Look back in anger by john osborne summary for jamb 2023 2024

Here's a summary of "Look Back in Anger" by John Osborne for JAMB 2023-2024:

Title: Look Back in Anger Author: John Osborne Year of Publication: 1956 Genre: Play

Plot Summary:

The play is set in a small, run-down flat in Brum (Birmingham) in the 1950s. The story revolves around the lives of four characters: Jimmy Porter, Alison, Cliff, and Helena.

Jimmy Porter, a working-class young man, is the protagonist of the play. He is a passionate and angry individual who is dissatisfied with the social and economic conditions of post-war Britain. He is in a relationship with Alison, a middle-class woman who is from a wealthy family. Alison is engaged to be married to Cliff, a wealthy and snobbish young man.

The play explores the tensions and conflicts that arise from the differences between Jimmy's working-class background and Alison's middle-class upbringing. Jimmy's anger and frustration with the social system are reflected in his relationships with the other characters.


  1. Social Class: The play highlights the social and economic divisions in post-war Britain, particularly the tensions between the working class and the middle class.
  2. Anger and Frustration: Jimmy's anger and frustration with the social system are a major theme of the play, reflecting the feelings of many young people at the time.
  3. Identity: The play explores the search for identity and belonging among the characters, particularly Jimmy and Alison.
  4. Love and Relationships: The play examines the complexities of love and relationships, particularly the tensions between Jimmy and Alison.


  1. Jimmy Porter: The protagonist of the play, a working-class young man who is passionate and angry about the social and economic conditions of post-war Britain.
  2. Alison: A middle-class woman who is engaged to be married to Cliff, but is also in a relationship with Jimmy.
  3. Cliff: A wealthy and snobbish young man who is engaged to Alison.
  4. Helena: Alison's sister, who is a university student and is more open-minded and liberal than her sister.


  1. The Flat: The small, run-down flat where the characters live is a symbol of the poverty and decay of post-war Britain.
  2. The Tea: The tea that Jimmy and Alison share is a symbol of their relationship and the tensions between them.
  3. The Music: The music that Jimmy plays on his gramophone is a symbol of his passion and anger.


  1. Realism: The play is written in a realistic style, with a focus on the everyday lives and conversations of the characters.
  2. Dialogue: The dialogue is naturalistic and reflects the language and mannerisms of the characters.
  3. Experimentation: The play experiments with form and structure, using non-linear narrative and unconventional dialogue.


  1. Influence: "Look Back in Anger" was a major influence on the development of British theatre in the 1950s and 1960s.
  2. Social Commentary: The play provides a powerful social commentary on the social and economic conditions of post-war Britain.
  3. Cultural Impact: The play has had a lasting impact on British culture, reflecting the changing values and attitudes of the time.

I hope this summary helps you prepare for your JAMB exam!