Tricycle operators protest alleged lastma extortion

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Lagos, Nigeria - Tricycle operators in Lagos State have taken to the streets to protest alleged extortion by officials of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).

The protesters, who were seen blocking major roads in the state, claimed that LASTMA officials have been demanding bribes from them in exchange for not impounding their vehicles.

According to the tricycle operators, the extortion has become a daily occurrence, with some officials demanding as much as N5,000 (approximately $13) per day.

"We are tired of being extorted by LASTMA officials," said one of the protesters, who identified himself as Abiodun. "We pay our taxes and we are law-abiding citizens, but we are still being treated like criminals by these officials."

The protesters also claimed that some LASTMA officials have been using their positions to intimidate and harass them, and that they have been threatened with impoundment if they do not comply with their demands.

"We are calling on the government to take immediate action to address this issue," said another protester, who identified himself as Olamide. "We want the extortion to stop and we want the officials who are involved in this to be brought to justice."

The protest, which was peaceful, was attended by hundreds of tricycle operators from across the state.

LASTMA officials could not be reached for comment, but a spokesperson for the Lagos State Government said that the government is committed to ensuring that all citizens are treated fairly and with respect.

"We understand the concerns of the tricycle operators and we are working to address the issue," said the spokesperson. "We will not tolerate any form of extortion or harassment by our officials, and we will take appropriate action against anyone found to be involved in such activities."

The protest is the latest in a series of demonstrations by tricycle operators in Lagos, who have been calling for better working conditions and an end to extortion by government officials.