Leadership in the new testament pdf

Here is a PDF on leadership in the New Testament:

Leadership in the New Testament


The New Testament provides a rich tapestry of leadership principles and examples that can be applied to various contexts. From the apostles to the early church leaders, the New Testament offers valuable insights into the nature of leadership, its responsibilities, and its challenges.

The Leadership of Jesus

Jesus Christ is the ultimate model of leadership in the New Testament. His leadership was characterized by:

The Leadership of the Apostles

The apostles, particularly Peter and Paul, played a significant role in the early Christian church. Their leadership was marked by:

The Leadership of the Early Church

The early Christian church was led by a group of leaders who were chosen by the apostles. These leaders were responsible for:

Key Principles of Leadership in the New Testament

  1. Servant-hood: Leaders are called to serve others, not themselves (Mark 10:45).
  2. Humility: Leaders should be humble and recognize their dependence on God (Philippians 2:5-8).
  3. Wisdom: Leaders should seek wisdom from God and be guided by His Spirit (Matthew 12:42).
  4. Authority: Leaders should exercise authority with compassion and wisdom (Matthew 7:29).
  5. Accountability: Leaders should be accountable to God and to others (Acts 20:28-31).
  6. Teamwork: Leaders should recognize the importance of teamwork and collaboration (Acts 15:1-35).
  7. Spirit-led: Leaders should be led by the Holy Spirit and recognize His guidance (Acts 13:2-3).


The New Testament provides a rich and diverse array of leadership principles and examples. By studying the leadership of Jesus, the apostles, and the early church, we can gain valuable insights into the nature of leadership and its responsibilities. May these principles guide and inspire us as we seek to lead others in our own contexts.
