Latest news on oluwo of iwo

Oluwo of Iwo is the traditional ruler of Iwo, a town in Osun State, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news updates on Oluwo of Iwo:

  1. Oluwo's 10th Anniversary Celebration: In October 2022, Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi, celebrated his 10th anniversary on the throne. The celebration was marked with a grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.
  2. Chieftaincy Tussle: In August 2022, a chieftaincy tussle erupted in Iwo over the appointment of a new Baale (village head) for the town. Oluwo of Iwo intervened to resolve the crisis, which had led to tension and violence in the town.
  3. Infrastructure Development: Oluwo of Iwo has been working to develop the infrastructure of Iwo town, including the construction of roads, bridges, and public buildings. In June 2022, he commissioned a new palace complex, which is expected to serve as a symbol of the town's rich cultural heritage.
  4. Cultural Revival: Oluwo of Iwo has been promoting cultural revival in Iwo, including the promotion of traditional music, dance, and art. In May 2022, he launched a cultural festival, which attracted visitors from across Nigeria and beyond.
  5. Conflict Resolution: Oluwo of Iwo has been involved in conflict resolution efforts in the region. In April 2022, he mediated a peace agreement between two warring communities in Osun State, which had been plagued by violence and killings.
  6. Economic Development: Oluwo of Iwo has been working to promote economic development in Iwo, including the establishment of a new market and the promotion of small-scale entrepreneurship. In March 2022, he launched a new initiative to support small-scale farmers in the town.
  7. Healthcare Development: Oluwo of Iwo has been working to improve healthcare services in Iwo, including the establishment of a new hospital and the provision of medical equipment. In February 2022, he launched a new healthcare initiative, which aims to provide free medical services to residents of the town.

These are just a few of the latest news updates on Oluwo of Iwo. As the traditional ruler of Iwo, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi continues to work towards the development and progress of his town and community.