Lawmakers urge trump to avoid picking a partisan for fbi job #

Here is a summary of the article:

A group of lawmakers from both parties have urged President Trump to avoid appointing a partisan to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The lawmakers, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have expressed concerns that a partisan appointment could undermine the FBI's independence and integrity.

The lawmakers' concerns come as Trump is reportedly considering several candidates to replace FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by Trump in May. Some of the candidates being considered are seen as having strong partisan ties, which has raised concerns among lawmakers.

In a letter to Trump, Schumer and Pelosi wrote, "The FBI must be led by an individual who is above politics and has the trust and respect of the American people. We urge you to select a candidate who has a strong record of independence and a commitment to upholding the law, regardless of party affiliation."

Other lawmakers have also expressed similar concerns, including Senator John McCain, who said, "The FBI must be led by someone who is above politics and has the trust and respect of the American people. We cannot afford to have a partisan individual leading the FBI."

The FBI is responsible for investigating crimes and enforcing federal laws, and its director is expected to be a non-partisan figure. The agency's independence is seen as crucial to maintaining public trust and ensuring that investigations are conducted fairly and without political bias.

It remains to be seen whether Trump will heed the lawmakers' warnings and appoint a non-partisan candidate to lead the FBI.