Latest tribunal news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the UK's Employment Tribunals:

Recent Decisions

  1. Gig economy workers are entitled to holiday pay: In a landmark decision, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ruled that gig economy workers, such as those employed by companies like Uber and Deliveroo, are entitled to holiday pay. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Employer's dismissal of employee with mental health issues was unfair: The EAT ruled that an employer's dismissal of an employee with mental health issues was unfair, as the employer failed to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the employee's needs. (Source: HR Magazine)
  3. Employee's claim for constructive dismissal succeeds: An employee who claimed that their employer's failure to address bullying and harassment in the workplace led to their constructive dismissal has had their claim succeed. (Source: Personnel Today)

Tribunal Statistics

  1. Tribunal claims increase by 15%: According to the Ministry of Justice, the number of employment tribunal claims in England and Wales increased by 15% in the year ending June 2022 compared to the previous year. (Source: Ministry of Justice)
  2. Most common reasons for tribunal claims: The most common reasons for tribunal claims are unfair dismissal, discrimination, and breach of contract. (Source: Acas)

Government Proposals

  1. Proposed changes to tribunal fees: The government has proposed changes to tribunal fees, which could see the cost of bringing a claim reduced from £1,200 to £250. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Proposed reforms to employment tribunal process: The government has also proposed reforms to the employment tribunal process, including the introduction of a new "pre-claim" conciliation process to encourage early resolution of disputes. (Source: HR Magazine)

Other News

  1. Tribunal judges' workload increases: Tribunal judges are facing increasing workloads, with some judges dealing with over 100 cases per year. (Source: The Times)
  2. Employers urged to take proactive approach to tribunal claims: Employers are being urged to take a proactive approach to tribunal claims, including conducting regular reviews of their employment practices and policies. (Source: Personnel Today)