New to germany

Willkommen in Deutschland! Congratulations on your decision to move to Germany! Here's a brief guide to help you get started:

Before You Arrive

  1. Visa: Check if you need a visa to enter Germany. Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa or be eligible for a residence permit.
  2. Health Insurance: Germany has a mandatory health insurance system. You can choose from various providers, and some employers may offer insurance as part of their benefits package.
  3. Accommodation: Research neighborhoods, find an apartment, and consider renting a room or shared accommodation to get settled quickly.

After You Arrive

  1. Register with the Local Authorities: Register with the Einwohnermeldeamt (residence registration office) at your local town hall to obtain a residence permit and get a German address.
  2. Open a Bank Account: Open a bank account to receive your salary, pay bills, and manage your finances. Some banks offer special accounts for foreigners.
  3. Get a German Phone Number: Get a German phone number to stay connected with friends and family, and to receive important notifications.
  4. Learn German: While many Germans speak English, learning German will make your life easier and more enjoyable. Consider taking language classes or using online resources.
  5. Find a Job: If you're not already employed, start looking for a job. Germany has a strong job market, and many companies offer job openings in English.
  6. Get Familiar with German Culture: Germany has a rich culture and history. Explore your new city, try local food, and attend cultural events to get a feel for the local way of life.

Useful Resources

  1. German Government Website: The official government website ( offers a wealth of information on living in Germany, including visa requirements, healthcare, and more.
  2. Expatica: Expatica is a popular website for expats in Germany, offering advice on everything from finding a job to navigating the healthcare system.
  3. Facebook Groups: Join Facebook groups for expats in Germany, such as "Expats in Germany" or "English-speaking Expats in [City Name]", to connect with others who have made the move.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Be Prepared for Bureaucracy: Germany is known for its bureaucracy, so be patient and prepared to deal with paperwork and red tape.
  2. Learn to Say "Bitte" and "Danke": Mastering basic German phrases like "please" (bitte) and "thank you" (danke) will go a long way in making your interactions with locals more enjoyable.
  3. Explore Your New City: Germany has many beautiful cities, each with its own unique character. Take time to explore your new home and discover its hidden gems.

Welcome to Germany! You're about to embark on an exciting adventure. Prost!