Latest oil price news

Here are the latest oil price news updates:

Current Oil Price:

Recent Developments:

  1. OPEC+ agrees to increase oil production: The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies, including Russia, have agreed to increase oil production by 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) in July, effective from July 1. This decision is seen as a response to rising global demand and concerns over supply disruptions. (Source: Reuters)
  2. US oil inventories rise: The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported a surprise increase in crude oil inventories last week, with stocks rising by 2.5 million barrels to 444.4 million barrels. This has put pressure on oil prices. (Source: EIA)
  3. Iran's oil exports rise: Iran's oil exports have risen to their highest level in months, according to tanker tracking data, as the country's oil industry has recovered from US sanctions. This has added to the global oil supply and put downward pressure on prices. (Source: Bloomberg)
  4. Libya's oil production falls: Libya's oil production has fallen by 100,000 bpd due to a pipeline shutdown, according to the National Oil Corporation. This has reduced the country's oil output to around 1.2 million bpd. (Source: Reuters)
  5. US-China trade tensions ease: The US and China have reached a trade agreement, which has eased concerns over a potential trade war and boosted oil prices. The agreement includes a reduction in US tariffs on Chinese goods and a commitment from China to increase its purchases of US agricultural products. (Source: CNBC)


The oil market is expected to remain volatile in the coming weeks, with a range of factors influencing prices. These include:

  1. Global demand: The global economy is expected to continue growing, which should support oil demand.
  2. Supply disruptions: Disruptions to oil supplies, such as those caused by conflicts or natural disasters, can impact prices.
  3. OPEC+ production: The OPEC+ agreement to increase oil production could put downward pressure on prices.
  4. US-China trade tensions: Any changes to the trade agreement or tensions between the two countries could impact oil prices.

Overall, oil prices are expected to remain range-bound in the short term, with prices potentially moving higher or lower depending on the balance of supply and demand.